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Jim Johnson, Chris Tillman, and Darren O’Day: Fishin’ Buddies

three baseball players on off day on boat next to each other holding up salmon caught
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What do you do on an off day in Toronto?

Uh…watch Buffalo Bills mini-camp?

Check out Niagara Falls?

Explore the city’s famous nightlife (I’ve never been, but I’ve heard things)?

Well, for a few Baltimore Orioles, apparently fishing was on the menu. Darren O’Day posted this photo to his Twitter account just a few minutes ago:

Wow, nice catch boys! Rumor has it that Tillman actually hooked the fish, reeled it halfway in, then handed the rod to O’Day until the fish was juuuuust about at the boat, when Johnson took over with the net to haul it in.

Careful with those hooks, gentlemen.

Do you think O’Day casts submarine? That’s all I got. Have a great weekend. Go Birds!

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