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The Orioles are, apparently, insane

strop smiling holding glove out in front of him
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Albert Einstein famously said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results (or something like that – don’t bother correcting me on the exact quote, you get the point).

Isn’t that exactly what the Orioles are doing with Pedro Strop? Yesterday was just another example. Strop entered the game in the seventh inning with the Orioles holding a 4-2 lead.

Before you could blink the Angels led 8-4, and went on to a 9-5 victory. This was after Strop’s “injury” and stint on DL. I was frankly surprised that the Birds did not take advantage of the 30-day rehab stint that they could’ve sent Strop on, instead bringing him right back after his time on the disabled list was up.

I am on record as saying I would’ve designated Strop for assignment before he was “disabled.” Many baseball people I know and respect tell me you can’t do that.

“He’s too talented,” they say. “You can’t give up on an arm like that,” I am told.

I understand that there is potential there but what I see is a guy that keeps losing you baseball games. He’s an absolute dumpster fire on the mound right now. My question is how do you rationalize keeping a guy that you can’t trust under any circumstances? There have to be a number of people the team can find that can do a better job than Strop (Arrieta, Britton, Jurrjens???).

Potential is great, but if you blindly fall in love with potential it can get you in trouble. I respect Buck Showalter a great deal, and I understand you can’t throw the other guys every single day. That said it is time for Buck and the rest of this organization to find another option – for the good of both the ball club and my sanity.

6 Responses

  1. Jon Rauch is the only guy in the minors who might be able to replace Pedro. And he wouldn’t be too good for your sanity either.

  2. Is Strop this year’s Jim Thome- the guy who’s not too good anymore but Buck keeps him around anyway while the rest of us scratch our heads?

  3. Einstein actually never said that quote. It has been mis-attributed to him and is a poor definition of “insanity.”

  4. Buck is not this great manager that people say or think he is , you are not going to tell me we don’t have a better catcher or a better 2nd baseman who are hitting or atleast could hit better then Flaughty or Teagarden . You have got to be kidding if anyone really believes we are going to win this division let alone a world series with bums like this in our line up. These guys don’t belong here , they belong in AAA or lower .You can’t exspect to beat the Red Sox or anyone with 2 bats in the lineup that aren’t hitting 160 avg. together , what a joke some great manager WOW are you serious. Way to give this game away today Buck , what a joke………………

    1. I’d like to see you manage them ! If you know so much about the game ! Oh wait that is why you are sitting here on your computer , Because you can’t!

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6 Responses

  1. Jon Rauch is the only guy in the minors who might be able to replace Pedro. And he wouldn’t be too good for your sanity either.

  2. Is Strop this year’s Jim Thome- the guy who’s not too good anymore but Buck keeps him around anyway while the rest of us scratch our heads?

  3. Einstein actually never said that quote. It has been mis-attributed to him and is a poor definition of “insanity.”

  4. Buck is not this great manager that people say or think he is , you are not going to tell me we don’t have a better catcher or a better 2nd baseman who are hitting or atleast could hit better then Flaughty or Teagarden . You have got to be kidding if anyone really believes we are going to win this division let alone a world series with bums like this in our line up. These guys don’t belong here , they belong in AAA or lower .You can’t exspect to beat the Red Sox or anyone with 2 bats in the lineup that aren’t hitting 160 avg. together , what a joke some great manager WOW are you serious. Way to give this game away today Buck , what a joke………………

    1. I’d like to see you manage them ! If you know so much about the game ! Oh wait that is why you are sitting here on your computer , Because you can’t!

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