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Section 336 Episode 139: 60 Years

three men standing in front of fence wearing orioles gear
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The refs steal a win from the Ravens, the Orioles sign someone who was already an Oriole, and Matt prepares for retirement.


Leading Off

Elvis Dumervil’s boneheaded penalty gave the Jaguars new life with no time on the clock, and the Ravens lost. Did we get screwed? According to the NFL, yes. So, what’s the point of replay? Why can’t they retroactively change the outcome if everyone agrees that they screwed it up? FIX IT!


More Ravens Talk

Should Lardarius Webb move to safety? Why does this defense actively avoid turnovers? Remember Jason Babin?


O’s Talk

Matt said it didn’t really matter if Matt Wieters took the qualifying offer or not. Well, he accepted it, so how do we feel now?

The O’s payroll has been jumping about 10%/year recently. That would put us at about $128M to start 2016. Do players still care what ballpark they play in?

How about these Markakis trade rumors?

Big Sloppy is retiring…AFTER NEXT YEAR, SO GIVE HIM PRESENTS! Ugh. He still owes the Orioles a phone.


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