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No Boh at the Yard in 2016? Not So Fast…

The Natty Boh bar at Oriole Park.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Late last night, a rumor started swirling that had O’s fans up in arms.

Now, this is a story right in my wheelhouse. Oddly enough, earlier yesterday I had brought up beer and the O’s, albeit in a slightly different manner.

While I prefer, personally, to drink beer that’s actually brewed in Baltimore/Maryland, and that actually tastes, you know…good, I can absolutely understand the tradition and nostalgia that connect National Bohemian Beer and the Orioles. (In addition, Boh was usually the cheapest light lager option, and I’d rather reach for that than one of the other “Light” or “Lite” beers when going that route.)

Jerold Hoffberger, who bought part of the team in 1965, was the owner of National Brewing Company in Baltimore. Boh became synonymous with the O’s, and over recent years the wave of nostalgia has introduced an entire new generation of Orioles fans to Mr. Boh. Mr. Boh gear flies off the shelves at local stores, and the company has put together special-edition baseball and football cans for the Baltimore market over the past several years.

O’s fans love drinking the same beer as our parents did while watching our Birds, and pictures like this one are everywhere on social media on summer nights.

As a result of the news, O’s fans started to lose their minds.

This morning, Eduardo Encina of The Sun refuted the report:


Brad, however, who reported the original story, isn’t backing down from his claim.

National football reporter and O’s fan Jason LaCanfora heard some things too.

We’ll have more as we hear it on this developing local tragedy…


Friend of the blog Phil Gentile (of Purple Reign Show), who works in the beverage industry, weighed in:

So, if that’s true it sounds like Big Beer is to blame here – no shocker there. I won’t go on a tangent about that at the moment, but suffice to say, if you want to get back at them for elbowing Boh out of the yard, don’t buy their swill. Find some of the fine Maryland-brewed craft selections at the Yard and give your money to them instead.

3 Responses

  1. No, it’s people like you that SUCK Baron. This is an Oriole tradition as much as wearing an O’s shirt or hat. Tradition means everything to a TRUE Baltimore fan. Maybe you should grab a shitty Coors Lite and become a Yankees fan instead. We don’t need crybaby fans like you bashing our traditions. It just so happens that you are misinformed and WRONG. There will be Natty Boh, the only True Oriole Beer served at the Yard. If I know Oriole fans, which I have been one myself since the 60’s, they will go out of their way to buy the Boh and purposely boycott Miller & Coors.
    Have a nice day

  2. Man screw Natty BOH they left the city now they are finally leaving the team. You want to bring back a Baltimore legend to the Yard Bring Back the Pollock!!!!!

    Bring Back Pollock Johnny’s ¡!!!!!!!!!!!

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3 Responses

  1. No, it’s people like you that SUCK Baron. This is an Oriole tradition as much as wearing an O’s shirt or hat. Tradition means everything to a TRUE Baltimore fan. Maybe you should grab a shitty Coors Lite and become a Yankees fan instead. We don’t need crybaby fans like you bashing our traditions. It just so happens that you are misinformed and WRONG. There will be Natty Boh, the only True Oriole Beer served at the Yard. If I know Oriole fans, which I have been one myself since the 60’s, they will go out of their way to buy the Boh and purposely boycott Miller & Coors.
    Have a nice day

  2. Man screw Natty BOH they left the city now they are finally leaving the team. You want to bring back a Baltimore legend to the Yard Bring Back the Pollock!!!!!

    Bring Back Pollock Johnny’s ¡!!!!!!!!!!!

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