Let’s be honest: we all want the Bromance that Manny Machado & Jonathan Schoop have with each other.
During last night’s game against the New York Yankees, Zach Britton was taking warm-up pitches after rolling his ankle fielding a ground ball for the second out in the ninth inning. Birdland was holding our collective breath at that moment, but it seemed that Manny & Jon weren’t very worried.
In fact, they were adding another item to their entertaining Bromance list: ball tapping.
See, they’re just like us! Only one is a Brooks Robinson protégé & the other is a linebacker-sized man playing second base. Other than that…just like us!
And as our friends at Bird’s Eye View put it: “I love that Hardy is all ‘boys, don’t make me turn this car around.”
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I wished Baltimore magazine interviewed JJ for their bromance story on these 2 — I’m sure he woulda had some great perspective on it!