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GIF: Chris Davis throws Alexi Casilla around

screenshot on tv of orioles players in dugout
Reading Time: < 1 minute

I know none of us are really in the mood for happy GIFs this morning, after Jim Johnson blew yet another save and wasted a valiant O’s comeback in a 4-3 loss to Cleveland.

Still, maybe this will turn that orange frown upside-down.

The other night, after Alexi Casilla hit what would be the game-winning three-run home run off Indians pitcher Justin Masterson, he was greeted with great enthusiasm by his teammates.

First, at home plate, Matt Wieters slapped him on the top of the head pretty hard – it looked like an older brother who was proud of his scrappy little younger brother.

Then, once he reached the dugout, Casilla was welcomed with open (giant, muscular) arms by Chris Davis, who had homered to tie the game earlier in the inning.

As I heard Bob Haynie say on the radio, “it looked like Davis was trying to burp him,” like a baby.

Here’s the GIF:

Thanks to our own Gordon Dixon for the GIF

Again, sorry we’re a day late with this. Maybe it can help cheer us all up a bit.

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