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Chris Davis Set to Break Orioles Strikeout Record

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He just tied a franchise record previously held by Orioles’ great, the Iron Man, Cal Ripken.

He tied the record with 8,027 FEWER at bats than Cal.

He tied the record with 2,029 FEWER games than Cal.

That’s the equivalent of 12 ½ FULL seasons.


He adds to his amazing feat at the rate of once every 2.7 plate appearances.

If he continues his torrid pace for the balance of his contract, he will rank 5th in Major League Baseball history, one notch ahead of Alex Rodriquez, who took 22 seasons to reach that level. This Oriole could reach such lofty numbers in just 15 seasons.

Last season he earned $885,000 per home run. This season he’s on pace to earn a whopping $1.64M per home run

Tonight… if he plays, he will set the Orioles club record.

Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve known him as The Crusher (thanks to Mike Bordick). Now you know him as the Orioles strikeout king. Let’s give a warm round of applause to Christopher Lyn Davis.

[Related Article: Chris Davis Deal Will Set The Orioles Back For Years]

Bonus Content: Chris Davis is a Strong Man!




At least he can crush something?

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