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Caleb Joseph Signs Fake Autographs in Empty Stadium

baseball player giving thumbs up to stands
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The Orioles are, as we all know, playing a game with no fans today.

The players are doing their best to keep things normal, but somehow I think this level of greeting the crowd isn’t something Caleb Joseph usually participates in:

Vine: Jake Ciely

Do you, Caleb.

7 Responses

  1. They’re gonna play a baseball game at Camden Yards today — Chicago White Sox vs. the Baltimore Orioles — and they’re not gonna let a single person who built it into the place. The taxpayers are not being allowed in. Why? “It’s too dangerous. It’s too provocative. Can’t guarantee safety.” There’s not going to be anybody in there but the media in the press box. Unfreaking believable.

    Thanks Rush Limbaugh

    1. The Orioles organization wisely decided that the Baltimore police have enough on their hands without being asked to protect the game and the ballpark. I think it was a perfectly reasonable decision. No need to be an ass about it.

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7 Responses

  1. They’re gonna play a baseball game at Camden Yards today — Chicago White Sox vs. the Baltimore Orioles — and they’re not gonna let a single person who built it into the place. The taxpayers are not being allowed in. Why? “It’s too dangerous. It’s too provocative. Can’t guarantee safety.” There’s not going to be anybody in there but the media in the press box. Unfreaking believable.

    Thanks Rush Limbaugh

    1. The Orioles organization wisely decided that the Baltimore police have enough on their hands without being asked to protect the game and the ballpark. I think it was a perfectly reasonable decision. No need to be an ass about it.

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