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Monday’s O’s Links: Matty Backstop Back at the Yard

Matt Wieters of the Nationals throws in his catcher's gear.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Our resilient Birds continued their impressive run of bouncing back from all the stupidity in Boston with a three-game sweep over the Chicago White Sox, who had come into Baltimore red-hot. The O’s now welcome the Washington Nationals to town for two before heading to DC for two in the annual MASN Cup.

To the links…

Britton’s Injury Latest in a Disturbing Trend

Writing in his weekly MASN guest column, our own Andrew Stetka says that Zach Britton’s injury is just the latest in a weird trend that the Orioles seem to have with players not letting nagging injuries fully heal in spring, which then turn into bigger issues later. Chris Tillman and Welington Castillo also fit this mold.

Matt Wieters Suits Up for His First Game Against Orioles

Another recently-departed Oriole will have his homecoming tonight, in what seems to be an annual thing these days. Where are you guys on the EMOSHUNZ scale for tonight? I’m at about a 2/10, whereas I was a 7/10 for Nick Markakis coming back with Atlanta, and a 15/10 when Brian Roberts returned in pinstripes. Brian Pinter collected some O’s fans’ thoughts on the Baltimore Wire.

Thoughts After 30 Games

Baltimore Sports and Life’s Chris Stoner gives a laundry list of Orioles musings today. Save this one for your lunch break.

Video: Why Manny Machado Isn’t the Bad Guy This Time

It’s nice to hear someone else say it, even if that someone else is just some portly Yahoo! “comedian.”

The Night Seth Smith Turned Into Mike Trout

Probably should have included this one on Friday, but better late than never. A fun little article on FanGraphs.

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