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Monday’s O’s Links: Time to Get Lough (in the Lineup)?

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

After losing five straight, and with their backs against the wall in what looked like a sixth straight (of the “we were one out away from winning” variety) the Birds bounced back for Saturday and Sunday wins against Boston to right the ship. They won in astounding fashion on Sunday, scoring 18 runs on 20 hits. Here’s hoping the momentum that was sparked over the weekend against one color of Sox carries over to the next Sox that come into town tonight.

Onto some links…

The Orioles Scored All the Runs on Sunday and Set an Odd Franchise Record

Though the headline on MLB’s Cut4 says “Saturday,” (at the time of this writing; hopefully it’s been fixed by the time you click on it) they mean Sunday. The Birds’ 18 runs were the most they’ve ever scored against Boston. Enjoy your trip home to various Virginia suburbs, Red Sox fans.

Was a New Character from DC Comics’ Suicide Squad Spotted at the Oriole Game?

Here’s Cut4 screwing up again. That’s not a DC Comics character, you goofs, that’s our own Carne Cabeza!

Steve Pearce Needs to Adjust

I’ve said it many times already this season – if Steve Pearce ends up being a platoon player in 2015, the Orioles are in big trouble. Now, if Jimmy Paredes keeps hitting like he is, then maybe losing Pearce’s production won’t hurt all that bad. Still, it would be nice to see Pearce work his way out of the funk he’s in. Camden Chat’s Ryan Pollack looks at Pearce’s numbers, and tries to figure out what the problem is.

It’s Time to #GetLough in Baltimore

With Pearce’s struggles, along with those of Alejandro De Aza, and Travis Snider being just OK, should the Birds turn more to Saturday night’s hero, David Lough? An interesting perspective from Dillon Atkinson of O’s Uncensored.

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O’s Over/Under Updates

Chris Stoner of Baltimore Sports & Life looks at how the season’s first 18 games have affected his over/under predictions for many Orioles, including Adam Jones, Chris Davis, Steve Pearce, Manny Machado, and others.

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