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GIF: Buck Not Happy with Bobby Dickerson?

orioles manager with arms crossed scowling
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Last night, the O’s won in dramatic fashion, on a walk-off wild pitch. However, just before the wild pitch, it looked as though there would be a play at the plate.

Nick Markakis singled into the right field gap, and pinch runner David Lough, who was on first, rounded second and went to third.

It would have seemed that having runners on first and third and nobody out, with Steve Pearce, Adam Jones, and Chris Davis due up next, would be quite the favorable situation.

However, O’s third base coach Bobby Dickerson (perhaps remembering the team’s futility with runners in scoring position to that point in the series) went Full “Windmill” and appeared to send Lough home. Based on TV replays and accounts from folks at the game, it seems likely that Lough would have been out at the plate.

Luckily (?) Lough fell down rounding third, and as a result had to retreat to the third base bag. As he was getting up, Dickerson appeared to touch him briefly on the shoulder. If the umps had seen it, Lough would have been called out. Sox manager Robin Ventura came out to argue, but the infraction was non-reviewable. Dickerson and the O’s dodged a bullet.

Did Buck Showalter shoot Bobby a disapproving look for one (or both) of his missteps? You be the judge:

via @OriolesGIFs

Maybe, maybe not, but it made me chuckle.

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