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GIFs: Bats Come Alive as O’s Stomp Pirates

three orioles players standing in dugout looking behind shoulders smiling
Reading Time: 3 minutes

For reasons that I won’t bore you with, I was unable to watch last night’s O’s victory in real time. However, I was following the game on Twitter, and I set my DVR to record it, hoping that I would have reason to watch it later (read: hoping the O’s would win).

Boy did I pick the perfect game to DVR!

Not only do I now have Chris Davis’ second career three-home run game saved forever on my DVR box, I also have our first Cruz/Crush back-to-back jacks, AND a whole host of other interesting things.

Seriously, when I went back to watch the game late last night, there were numerous things that caught my eye on the broadcast. Perhaps the MASN cameramen went out in the South Side of Pittsburgh prior to the game and were feeling a bit frisky. Perhaps it was just that the O’s were finally in a good mood and happy to be beating a team during a game by more than a run or two. Or maybe it was a combination of the two.

Whatever the reason, there were gems abound.

Here are just a few…

First, there was Manny Machado’s ridiculous slide to score run number 3:

While MASN was still showing the replay of the slide, this happened (c/o Baltimore Sports Report):

Which elicited this adorable reaction from Machado:


Then, there was the dugout scene following Cruz and Crush going back-to-back…


After I finished giggling at the gents enjoying the moment, this caught my eye…


Manny was…um. Hang on, this one requires a GIF (c/o @MaxGrossfeld)…

Oh, ok Manny. Much less adorable. Sigh. They grow up so fast.

Also, someone check on Nick. He’s trying to eat his face.

Moving right along…

Chris Davis happened again (c/o BSR again):

And then Chris Davis happened AGAIN (c/o BSR one more time):

Here’s a couple O’s fans celebrating Crush’s third home run (c/o @OriolesGIFs)

I may have missed it in real time, but this was still a very, VERY fun baseball game.

Let’s have a lot more games like this this summer, Birds. And if I have to take one for the team and not watch live for this to happen…well, I might just have to bite that bullet.

2 Responses

  1. For the first time this season, I didn’t watch live either. I was definitely considering doing this more often… LOL

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2 Responses

  1. For the first time this season, I didn’t watch live either. I was definitely considering doing this more often… LOL

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