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O’s Fan Spotlight: O’s Sunglasses Guy

screen shot of fans in stands during orioles yankees game
Reading Time: 3 minutes

We’ve all seen him before, whether you have realized it or not. He is the guy that sits right behind the Orioles dugout and can be seen on TV everytime a left-handed batter steps up to the plate. I found out he was on twitter, messeged him and set up an interview. This is how it went down:

(Note, I would like to apologize to Jonathan for getting this post up so late. I had to cut some of his answers that were time sensitive. I hope he understands, and blasts me on Twitter or something!)

First, what is your real name, age and what neighborhood are you from:

Jonathan Scheffenacker, 27, I’m from Fallston MD, originally.

Does your fan “character” have a name?

It used to be O’s Sunglass guy but I just bought a Ravens Tie so it’s now just “The Sunglass Guy”

Tell me a little about yourself (150 words or so):

When I’m not at OPACY cheering on my team I am a Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams (I know, everyone needs a day job). I’m engaged to a wonderful woman and actually we will be married at Camden Yards on November 15, 2013. I was shocked as anybody that she went for that.

How many games have you/ do you plan on attending this year?

I’ve been to (over) 43 games so far this year and plan to go to all but one for the rest of the way.

Where do you normally hang out at games?

I’m usually at my seats, as I have a running tab with the beer guy. If I’m not, I’m hanging out at Dempsey’s.

O's Sunglasses Guy

How did you get these great seats?

I inherited them from my father who was the biggest Orioles fan I knew. He only missed an average of 1 to 2 games a year and that is dating back to the O’s of the 60’s in Memorial Stadium.

What inspired you to be a crazy Orioles fan?

Wild Bill Hagy is my biggest inspiration. I obviously don’t think that I’m him or will ever be close to him. He has definitely inspired me to try and pump up the crowd and just let loose and be crazy because that is what being a fan is all about.

What is your craziest experience at a game?

My craziest experience was actually this year. It was Sunday night baseball against the Yankees and the bird let me get up on the dugout to lead everyone in the YMCA dance. The only crazy part about this was that if you normally see the bird dance on the dugout he only lets pretty girls dance up with him on the dugout. So I like to believe that for one night it was a substitute bird and that it was a girl who thought I was cute.

Who is your favorite Oriole (current or all time)?

Favorite Oriole Currently is JJ Hardy because he always overlooked next to Wieters, Jones, and Davis and he seems to be the most under the radar 30 HR hitter in history. Favorite Oriole of all time is Albert Belle…Seriously though it’s Chris Hoiles. Only because growing up I always loved the catcher position and he was the best one we had at the time when I was growing up. I remember that 2 Grand Slam game like it was yesterday.

Lastly, how can people find you?

People can find me on Twitter at @OsSunglassGuy


Go O’s!

5 Responses

  1. Hats off to Jonathan for recognizing Wild Bill Hagy, who was leading the cheers in Section 34 before he was born. As someone who sat in Section 34 almost every game for 5 years, it’s great to see that those great times are not forgotten. Wishing him a great wedding and many happy years ahead cheering on the Orioles and raising Oriole fans in the future.

  2. True fan! But he left out his little brother who sits next to him & gets the crowd going! Glad I got to see this dynamic duo in action cheering on the O’s!!!

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5 Responses

  1. Hats off to Jonathan for recognizing Wild Bill Hagy, who was leading the cheers in Section 34 before he was born. As someone who sat in Section 34 almost every game for 5 years, it’s great to see that those great times are not forgotten. Wishing him a great wedding and many happy years ahead cheering on the Orioles and raising Oriole fans in the future.

  2. True fan! But he left out his little brother who sits next to him & gets the crowd going! Glad I got to see this dynamic duo in action cheering on the O’s!!!

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